Vol. 42 (4): 637-639, July – August, 2016

doi: 10.1590/S1677-5538.IBJU.2016.04.02


Are syntetic slings safe?
Opinion: Yes
Caio Cesar Cintra 1, Carlos Eduardo Bonafe Oliveira 1

1 Departamento de Urologia, Faculdade de Medicina do ABC, SP, Brasil

Keywords: Suburethral Slings; Surgical Mesh; Pelvic Floor; Prolapse

Nowadays, synthetic meshes are widely used in reconstructive surgeries of the pelvic floor. However, since the publication of the FDA warning about associated complications in 2011 (1), several discussions and contrary opinions have been published about its usefulness. The fear of court lawsuits related to side effects, common in some settings, has contributed to the widening of global discussion.

Doubtless, these slings are associated to specific complications, such as exposition and erosion, and impact on sexual performance of treated patients. However, the big question is: is the use of meshes in pelvic surgery always problematic?

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